Taanis Esther (Fast of Esther): Monday, March 6, 2023
- Fast Starts – 5:37 AM
- Shacharis – 6:30 AM
- Mincha – 5:45 PM (Machatzis HaShekel is given before Mincha in shul.)
- Fast Ends – 7:08 PM (Under normal circumstances one must wait until after the megillah reading before breaking fast.)
Purim Night
- Maariv followed by Megillas Esther – 7:05 PM
Purim Day: Tuesday, March 7, 2023
- Shacharis – 6:30 AM
- Megillas Esther ~ 7:00 AM
- Mincha – 3:30 PM
- Purim Seudah in shul for those who signed up – 5:30 – 7:30 PM
- Maariv – 7:30 PM
Remember the four mitzvos of Purim day:
- Matanos L’Evyonim: Charity is sent to at least two different needy people (Money may be given to the rabbi for distribution on Purim)
- Mishloach Manos: Each Jew over the age of bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah must send two different, ready made foods to at least one friend
- Seudas Purim: Toward evening, a festive meal called Seudas Purim is held, often with wine as the prominent beverage
- Megillas Esther: Each Jew over the age of bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah must hear Megillas Esther read at night and during the day