Shavuos First Day Luncheon Reservation Form.
There is no cost, but your reservation is required
Tuesday Night, June 11th
- Mincha/Shiur/Maariv 8:20 PM (Kiddush at home should not be made before 9:19 PM)
- Candlelighting–8:18 PM
- All-Night Torah Study: Sponsored by JOSH & LISA ROTHSTEIN: Refuah Shelaima to all Klal Yisroel, including Daniel Zev Ben Miriam and Miriam Bas Golda Leah.
Individual Shiur Sponsorships Available- Dairy Dilemma: Whys & Wherefores We Wait Between Meat and Milk — Rabbi Michoel Bodenheimer 12 – 12:45 AM
- Kabbalah in Mitzvos & Minhag — Rabbi Avraham Chaim Bloomenstiel 1 – 1:45 AM
- Kashrus of the Knife: Pressure Profiles & Edgy Halacha — Rabbi Yaakov Rich 2 – 2:45 AM
- Lessons from Parshas Sotah — Rabbi Avraham Chaim Bloomenstiel 3 – 3:45 AM
- Sweet Dreams 4 – 9:30 AM
Wednesday, June 12th
- Shacharis followed by Kiddush/Luncheon Sponsored by Jonathon Marcelino; Cheesecake Sponsored by Motti & Malka Lurie – 9:30 AM (Remember to say Shema before coming to shul)
- A Woman’s Role in Learning Torah: A Ladies Only Shiur with Rebbetzin Susan Rich and Shira Ahuva Rich. Sponsored by Elazar & Hadassah Bauer 5:30 PM at the home of Lisa Rothstein, 7108 Bremerton Ct., Dallas 75252.
- Mincha/Shiur/Maariv 8:20 PM
- Candlelighting (from pre-exisitng flame) 9:26 PM
Thursday, June 13th
- Shacharis followed by Kiddush Sponsored by Luis & Melissa Borrayo 8:30 AM
- Yizkor (Not before 10:15 AM)
- Mincha 8:20 PM followed by gemara shiur
- Maariv 9:19 PM
- Shavuos Ends 9:27 PM