Shabbos Schedule with Bulletin Attached

Shabbos Parshas Shelach

:arrow: Shabbos Bulletin  Friday, June 08, 2007.pdf

:arrow: Please note: Candles may not be lit before 7:04 PM and not after 8:16 PM.

Shabbos Times and Schedule

  • June 8-9 2007 - 23 Sivan 5767
  • Mincha / Kabbalos Shabbos: 7 PM
  • Shacharis: 9 AM
  • Chumash Class (Rabbi Rich): 6:50 PM for men and women
  • Mincha / Shalosh Seudos: 7:50 PM / Shkia: 8:34 PM
  • Maariv / End of Shabbos: 9:19 PM

Weekly Tefillah Times

  • Friday night (daylight savings time): 7 PM
  • Shabbos morning: 9 AM
  • Shabbos Mincha: ¾ hour before sunset
  • Sunday morning: 8 AM

Weekly Classes

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45 PM: Mincha, followed by Learn to Learn the Talmud for men with Rabbi Yaakov Rich, followed by Maariv.
  • Tuesdays 8 PM: Tefillah for women with Mrs. Suri Rosenblatt
  • Wednesdays 8 PM: Path of the Just for men and women with Rabbi Yaakov Rich
  • Shabbos one hour before Mincha: Chumash for men and women
  • Sundays after Shacharis: Laws of Shabbos for men & women
  • Sundays 8 PM: Chumash for women

Unless otherwise noted, all classes are in the shul.

Our Deepest Condolences

We are sad to inform the congregation about the passing of Larry Elewitz’s mother.

The funeral will be held today, Wednesday, June 6, out of state. The Elewitzes will be returning to Dallas Wednesday afternoon, upon which, Larry will be sitting shiva until Tuesday morning. There will be a minyan for Mincha / Maariv at 8:15 PM on Wednesday at their house 6630 Hyacinth Lane.

May the Elewitz family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Shabbos Schedule

Shabbos Parshas Beha’aloscha

Shabbos Times and Schedule

  • June 1-2 2007 - 16 Sivan 5767
  • Mincha / Kabbalos Shabbos: 7 PM
  • Shacharis: 9 AM
  • Chumash Class (Rabbi Rich): 6:45 PM for men and women
  • Mincha / Shalosh Seudos: 7:45 PM / Shkia: 8:31 PM
  • Maariv / End of Shabbos: 9:16 PM

Weekly Tefillah Times

  • Friday night (daylight savings time): 7 PM
  • Shabbos morning: 9 AM
  • Shabbos Mincha: ¾ hour before sunset
  • Sunday morning: 8 AM

Weekly Classes

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:45 PM: Mincha, followed by Learn to Learn the Talmud for men with Rabbi Yaakov Rich, followed by Maariv.
  • Tuesdays 8 PM: Tefillah for women with Mrs. Suri Rosenblatt (Begins Tuesday, June 5)
  • Wednesdays 8 PM: Path of the Just for men and women with Rabbi Yaakov Rich
  • Shabbos one hour before Mincha: Chumash for men and women
  • Sundays after Shacharis: Laws of Shabbos for men & women
  • Sundays 8 PM: Chumash for women

Unless otherwise noted, all classes are in the shul.

New class for women

Mrs. Suri Rosenblatt will lead a class for women discussing the most important aspects of Tefillah-Jewish prayer, its meaning and significance. Whether beginner or advanced, you are sure to gain immeasurably from learning with an experienced teacher like Mrs. Suri Rosenblatt. This weekly class is open for women only, and will begin Tuesday, June 5 at 8 PM at Congregation Toras Chaim, 17912 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75252. There is no fee to attend this special learning opportunity.