Important Announcement

Two important announcements about the Path of the Just class scheduled to begin Wednesday, May 2 at 8 PM.

1) It is not too late to register for the class, there is no cost, and it is for men and women. Please see Classes & Events for more details.

2) The start of the class is being delayed one week so that everyone can go hear Rabbi Abraham Twerski at Levine Academy. We will please G-d, begin the Path of the Just class next Wednesday, May 9 at 8 PM at Congregation Toras Chaim, 17912 Hillcrest Rd., opposite Winding Rose Trail. Please call Rabbi Yaakov Rich at 972-774-0813 for details.

Upcoming this week

Tuesday night / Wednesday (the 14th day of Iyar) of this week is Pesach Sheini (the second Pesach). That is, when our Temple was standing, one who was spiritually impure or far from Jerusalem, could offer the Pesach sacrifice one month later, on Pesach Sheini. Many have a custom to eat matzoh on this day. Also, owing to the celebratory nature of the day, Tachanun is not said at Shacharis or Mincha.

Saturday night / Sunday (the 18th day of Iyar) of this week is Lag B’Omer (the 33rd day of the Omer). The mourning restrictions of the Omer period, i.e. listening to music, shaving and taking haircuts, weddings, etc. don’t apply any more beginning with Lag B’Omer. Since Shabbos immediately preceeds Lag B’Omer this year, one may already take a haircut and shave on Friday, in honor of Shabbos. Listening to music is still forbidden until Lag B’Omer.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week.
Rabbi Yaakov Rich

A Great Kiddush Hashem

Our first Shabbos in Congregation Toras Chaim was absolutely incredible. We all felt a tremendous sense of “achdus” (unity) with each other–as if we had been together for a number of years already. This no doubt was due to the hard work and long hours that so many logged in order to get us ready for opening day! We literally did not want Shabbos to end. The services and classes were very well attended and the enthusiasm and energy level was high.

At kiddush, after Shabbos morning davening, we ate what many said was the best cholent ever–thank you Shelley Newman. The afternoon featured a chumash class beginning with Bereishis, followed by mincha and Shalosh Seudos, which was packed wall to wall with men, women and children. We even had a Sunday morning minyan followed by coffee, cake and doughnuts, and a class in the laws of Shabbos. This will be a regular at CTC.

Thank you to eveyone who made this such a special Shabbos, but especially to the Abrams family who sponsored our first kiddush, and Calmenson family who sponsored our first Shalosh Seudos.

We are looking for future sponsors of kiddush and Shalosh Seudos. If you are interested please contact Shalom Abrams at (903) 918-9650.

Please check the weekly calendar for a list of classes and ongoing events. Can’t wait for Shabbos next week. See you in shul.

Warmest regards,
Rabbi Yaakov Rich

It’s Time To Say Good Shabbos

As the day is winding down, and we prepare to greet Hashem on the first Shabbos in our new shul, permit me to quote the words of the Jewish music legend, Abie Rotenberg.

The sun is going down, it’s shining through the trees.
Another week’s gone by, become a memory.
So throw away your hammer, there’s nothing left to do.
Go on home and find the gift that’s waiting there for you.

It’s time to say “good Shabbos” ’cause all your work is done.
gonna spend a day together with The Holy One
Say a special blessing on a cup filled with wine
Man and his Creator, it’s a very special time.

Your candles will be burning, to fill your home with light
Singing songs of Shabbos, well into the night
so throw away the hammer, there’s nothing left to do
go on home and find the gift that’s waiting there for you

It’s time to say “good Shabbos” ’cause all your work is done.
gonna spend a day together with The Holy One
Say a special blessing on a cup filled with wine
Man and his Creator, it’s a very special time.

You can spend time with your family, you’ll study and you’ll pray
Why not wait ’till after Shabbos
oh, those nails won’t run away
oh, so throw away that hammer
there’s nothing left to do.
Go on home and find the gift that’s waiting there for you.

It’s time to say “good Shabbos” ’cause all your work is done.
gonna spend a day together with The Holy One
Say a special blessing on a cup filled with wine
Man and his Creator, it’s a very special time.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Shabbos and see you in shul
Rabbi Yaakov Rich