CTC Meeting tonight

Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Pesach! G-d willing we will be closing on our new shul building today at 2:00 p.m. We will be having our next Steering Committee Meeting tonight, April 11, 2007,  in the new shul at 9:00 p.m.  All are welcome.

Congregation Toras Chaim
17912 Hillcrest (Where Winding Rose Trail meets Hillcrest)
Dallas, TX 75252

See you there.
Shalom Abrams

Step-By-Step Laws of the Seder

Hello everyone.
Step-By-Step Laws of the Seder   
Attached is a Step-By-Step Laws of the Seder. It is meant to be printed front and back, then folded in half, to be kept by your plate at the seder for easy reference. Look it over beforehand for a quick review, and to be able to navigate your way correctly this Monday night.
See you at the Abrams, Thursday night at 8:30 — if you need to sell your chametz.
Wishing everyone a chag kasher v’sameach — a happy, healthy Pesach.
Rabbi Yaakov Rich