Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, better known as the RaMCHaL, authored a book on spiritual and character development that is widely considered to the quintessential book of its kind. In fact, the Vilna Gaon said of himself that he would crawl across Europe to learn in the dust of the RaMCHaL’s feet.

Spend an hour each week, with Rabbi Yaakov Rich, developing a Torah approach to personal growth using the ultimate self-help book. Discover qualities and potential you never knew you had, as you climb the ladder toward spiritual greatness.

This class is for men and women, from beginner to advanced. There is no cost for the class, but participants will need to purchase a copy of Path of the Just, which is available by Feldheim in Hebrew with an English translation. They are available for purchase from Lone Star Judaica, at the corner of Hillcrest and Frankford. The class will be taught every Wednesday, 8 PM at Congregation Toras Chaim, 17912 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas, TX 75252.

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