- Eruv Tavshilin is recited (see ArtScroll Siddur page 654)
- Mincha/Candlelighting: 6:26 PM
- Meals are eaten in the succah without the blessing of Leishev BaSuccah. We do not sleep in the succah.
- Shacharis: 8:30 AM
- Yizkor: Not before 10:00 AM
- Mussaf: We begin saying Mashiv HaRuach U’Morid HaGeshem in the silent Shemoneh Esrei
- Meals are eaten in the succah without the blessing of Leishev BaSuccah.
- Mincha: 6:25 PM
- Simchas Torah Auction for Honors: Men and women may participate in bidding.
- Honors available for bidding include:
- Simchas Torah Night
- Ato Horaisa L’Daas (The entire Ato Horaisa will be auctioned and the winning bidder may honor different shul participants with the reading of each verse)
- Kohen Aliyah (A non Kohen may purchase this for a Kohen)
- Levi Aliyah (A non Levi may purchase this for a Levi)
- Yisroel Aliyah
- Simchas Torah Day
- Ato Horaisa L’Daas (The entire Ato Horaisa will be auctioned and the winning bidder may honor different shul participants with the reading of each verse)
- Kohen Aliyah (A non Kohen may purchase this for a Kohen)
- Levi Aliyah (A non Levi may purchase this for a Levi)
- Yisroel Aliyah
- Revii
- Kol HaNearim: The fifth aliyah is designated for the children too young to have individual aliyos. They all crowd around the adult called for the aliyah, and he recites the blessing loudly, slowly, and clearly so that they can recite with him. It is customary to spread a tallis over all their heads as a canopy.
- Chasan Torah: The person designated for the concluding portion of the Torah on Simchas Torah is known as Chassan Torah, the groom of the Torah. This is a great honor and is usually reserved for a distinguished Torah Scholar.
- Chassan Bereishis: The person designated to begin the Torah reading of Bereishis on Simchas Torah is called Chassan Bereishis, the groom of Bereishis. Like the groom of the Torah, this aliyah is a high honor that is generally reserved for a distinguished person.
- Maftir
- Maariv/Candlelighting (from a pre-existing flame): Not before 7:33 PM
- Ato Horaisa & Hakafos (Dancing with the Torah)/Torah Reading (Three Aliyos): 8:00 PM
- Shacharis/Birkas Kohanim: 8:30 AM
- Hakafos/Torah Reading (including individual aliyos)
- Kol HaN’arim, Chassan Torah, Chassan Bereishis, & Maftir
- Mussaf
- The entire congregation is invited for Simchas Torah/Erev Shabbos lunch in shul for no charge. Donations are appreciated.
- Candlelighting (from a pre existing flame): 6:24 PM
- Mincha/Abbreviated Kabbalos Shabbos/Maariv: 6:25 PM
- Shacharis: 8:30 AM
- Mincha/Gemara Avoda Zara: 6:10 PM
- End of Shabbos: 7:31 PM