Matanos L’Evyonim: Gifts for the Needy

Matanos L'Evyonim: Gifts for the Needy
Matanos L’Evyonim: Gifts for the Needy

It is a positive rabbinical commandment to give two gifts for two needy people on Purim, one gift to each person. Even a poor person who himself subsists on charity is obligated in this requirement.

If you would like to Zelle me money to distribute to the needy on Purim, send to Make sure description includes your name and that it is for Matanos L'Evyonim.

This obligation can be fulfilled through any type of gift: money, food, drink, or clothing. Optimally, the gift should be substantial. If the gift is money, the amount should enable the poor person to purchase bread sufficient for at least one meal. At the very least, each gift must be worth at least a perutah (monetary value of a quarter).

The gifts should be given during the day of Purim rather than at night. It is proper to give them after the reading of the Megillah. One should not give these gifts from money which has been set aside for donating to charity. However, one may add a small amount to the money which was set aside and then give the larger amount to the poor so as to fulfill the obligation. Money which one has designated for giving to the poor on Purim may not be given to another charity.

The obligation of giving gifts to the poor on Purim does not free a person from his general obligation to give charity. Even poor people are required to give charity at least once a year aside from their obligation to give gifts to the poor on Purim.

These gifts should be given early enough so that the poor person can benefit from them on Purim and for the festive Purim meal. However, the recipient may use these gifts in any way that he sees fit.

If you would like to Zelle me money to distribute to the needy on Purim, send to Make sure description includes your name and that it is for Matanos L'Evyonim.

The gifts should not be given before Purim, lest the poor person use them beforehand, in which case the donor will not have fulfilled his obligation.

We do not attempt to determine whether the recipient is indeed poor, whoever stretches out his hand is to be given a gift. If there are no poor people in his community, the gifts which one usually gives should be set aside until he has an opportunity to give them to the poor.

We should spend at least as much on Matanos L’Evyonim, Gifts for the Needy, as we spend on our Purim Seudah and Mishloach Manos.

In light of all of the above complicated laws it is recommended to make the rabbi of the shul your agent to fulfill this mitzvah properly. I am available to accept your donations for this great opportunity, and will faithfully deliver the money to the appropriate people on Purim on your behalf. You may come to my home: 7119 Bremerton Ct., Dallas 75252 to appoint me as your agent to deliver your Matanos L’Evyonim on Purim. — Rabbi Yaakov Rich

If you would like to Zelle me money to distribute to the needy on Purim, send to Make sure description includes your name and that it is for Matanos L'Evyonim.

CTC Purim Schedule 2023

CTC Purim Schedule 2023
CTC Purim Schedule 2023

Taanis Esther (Fast of Esther): Monday, March 6, 2023

  • Fast Starts – 5:37 AM
  • Shacharis – 6:30 AM
  • Mincha – 5:45 PM (Machatzis HaShekel is given before Mincha in shul.)
  • Fast Ends – 7:08 PM (Under normal circumstances one must wait until after the megillah reading before breaking fast.)

Purim Night

  • Maariv followed by Megillas Esther – 7:05 PM

Purim Day: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

  • Shacharis – 6:30 AM
  • Megillas Esther ~ 7:00 AM
  • Mincha – 3:30 PM
  • Purim Seudah in shul for those who signed up – 5:30 – 7:30 PM
  • Maariv – 7:30 PM

Remember the four mitzvos of Purim day:

  • Matanos L’Evyonim: Charity is sent to at least two different needy people (Money may be given to the rabbi for distribution on Purim)
  • Mishloach Manos: Each Jew over the age of bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah must send two different, ready made foods to at least one friend
  • Seudas Purim: Toward evening, a festive meal called Seudas Purim is held, often with wine as the prominent beverage
  • Megillas Esther: Each Jew over the age of bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah must hear Megillas Esther read at night and during the day